Event Management Co-op Information
Students are required to achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 for first two semesters and meet all academic requirements to be eligible to enroll in co-op.
To be considered eligible students must meet following requirements:
• Registered in as full-time students at current term
• Overall GPA of 2.5 and above of the first two academic terms
• Passed all required courses to date
• Tuition fees paid in full by payment deadline
To qualify for a co-op credit in the program, students must complete a minimum of 400 hours of full-time co-op work. Full-time job is defined by the Government of Canada as at least 30 hours of work per week or more
Failing to meet the Co-op requirements, students will automatically be enrolled in Applied Project study in last term of the program (additional costs may apply).
Securing a Co-op Placement
Due to competitive job market for co-op students, all students are required to be active participants in their job searching. Our college cannot guarantee co-op positions for every student. Job placements depend on students’ experience and availability. The co-op term could be unpaid. Students will also be expected to find their own placements. Any student who finds his or her own job placement must get approval from student work placement advisor before accepting the position.
Completing either a co-op work term or Applied Project – due to a low GPA (less than 2.5) – is mandatory for graduation.
Co-op Fees
Year two of the program consists of a regular semester and a co-op semester. The third semester tuition fee is $9419, and the fourth co-op semester tuition fee is $2835, which includes medical insurance, ancillary fees, co-op fees, and administrative fees.
Students need to pay co-op fees to get assistance from co-op advisors including co-op preparation workshops, Canadian labour market orientations, interviews practice and the opportunity to apply co-op positions through our college.
Students are responsible for all personal costs, relocation costs, transportation arrangements to employment interviews or etc.